As a letterer, I try my hardest to both visually and tonally match a book's art style. Naturally, this comes down to custom balloons, custom strokes, and a myriad of fonts from both Blambot and Comicraft. My end goal is a seamless experience where the reader's eye is guided through each panel, and their suspension of disbelief is never broken.

You can find a few samples below:


Action Lab
Princeless: Girls Rock/Girls Leadership Anthology (Issue 2 - Rowan)
Sleigher: The Heavy Metal Santa Claus (Issues 1-4)

A Wave Blue World
Death of the Horror Anthology (Monster Next Door, Contrition, The Things That Hide In My Shadow)

Heavy Metal Magazine
Issue 285 (Lure)
Issue 297 (Bethlehem)

The Spider King: Frostbite

Image Comics
Battlepug (Issue 3 - Scribbly)
Where We Live Anthology (He Was Married In Las Vegas)

Iron Circus Comics
Student Ambassador: The Missing Dragon

Mad Cave Studios
The Karman Line
(Coming Soon!)

King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders

Asterix and the White Iris
Double Booking: The Tail of the Mummy Cat

Scout Comics
Knockturn County
Metalshark Bro
Metalshark Bro: Assault on Hamzig Island
Ninja Nuns
Wretches (Issues 1-6)

Source Point Press
The Dark: Collection 1

TKO Studios
River of Sin

Top Cow
Stairway Anthology Volume 1 (Spirit of 666)

Grimm Spotlight: Iron Maiden
Grimm Spotlight: Red Agent - Friendly Fire
Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: 2023 Valentine’s Day Special
Phoenix Files
(Issues 1-3)

Small Press Publishers
Bartkira Committee: Volume 1 (pages 221-223); Volume 4 (pages 211-213)
Driftwood Press: I Was a Teenage Contraceptive
FUBAR Press: All-Star FUBAR (Red Flag)
Ginger Rabbit Studio: ROM Remix (page 6)
Jay Crow Comics: Super (Issues 1-3)
Pandemic Meme: Ungrounded (Issues 5-7)
Stache Publishing: Out of the Blue Volume 2: A Collection of Campfire Tales (May Contain Peanuts)
Stache Publishing: Out of the Blue Volume 3: Twisted Pulp (The Hidden Man)
Stache Publishing: Out of the Blue Volume 4: Colossal Chaos (Past Due Kaiju)
The Mike Wieringo Tellos Tribute Volume 2 (pages 138-140)

+ various pitches, one-shots, and shorts that are not yet published. (Or I just can’t talk about yet. NDAs can be rough, man!)